Friday, December 23, 2005

I tried to shoot all of you but this is the best of what I got



If anyone can help me attach a name to some of these people that would be great. Just add a comment or if you know the name, you probably know my e-mail

The toad has be awesome fun place to improvise at. As much as a bitch about wanting to do long form, there is something about a really well developed and nice scene, which should be what all the scenes in a long form should be like. When you feel a scene developing with another person and you feel like you are working together and you know that each step is leading to the next and that there is little back tracking or repetition, to borrow from Jason Beck this close if not exact quote it is like walking on cloud nine. It's like you and that other person are on some other plane talking to each other and I guess that's as close as I will get to sex. It is appropiate that I quote Jason Beck cause I am the jason beck of winnipeg improv. I will miss it so much.

But I won't miss it for that reason alone. It always is a fun "shoot"? Is that the term? I will miss that too. I will miss forcing my camera on to you guys without really permission. So thanks for the oppertunity to learn how to take photos. I just enjoy taking pictures.



Steve and ?

I don't have a good shot of you yet steve at the toad. Shucks. Crap Crap Crap. It's like I went brain dead. Or it's the hour. Pretty much nothing came out of the pictures from your set. Will try again next week for the last time if my services are needed. This is as good as it gets



Mary and Moni


Regular Janelle during scene with mary

Mary and Karl

Mary and Peter Vestula

Ron and Issa

Ron and Lorainne

Ron and Monica

Ron and Andrew

I shouldn't have to explain what you are looking at. I probably did a crappy job if I have to but this is ron making sure andrew doesn't cross the line into his area

Moni's friend and moni

Loraine James with me and ron and me and Steve sim

Photos by Ron Moore

Moni Moni Moni and Ron Moore

Moni - you are special

I talk about doing tight shots and I screwed these two up I think. I think I could have gone in closer

The regulars

Photos by ron moore

The usual suspects - Andrew

Photo by Ron Moore

My Favorite Shots Ever

Photos by Ron Moore and Loranne James